Qflow for Contractors
Tired of chasing data from your supply chain?
You no longer have to keep chasing your supply chain. They can capture and audit GRNs and WTNs digitally, with one-click using Qflow iOS and Android mobile app.
Streamline your supply chain data with Qflow smart capture

Verify goods received and improve compliance to the UK government Prompt Payment Code
Now you have your digital record of materials delivered and waste transferred, you can quickly and efficiently map this against your invoices to verify receipt of goods and pay your supply chain, helping you hit Prompt Payment targets.
Bouygues UK achieved a whopping 271% efficiency gain in this process with Qflow’s digital GRN capture.
Ensure materials quality and waste compliance across the supply chain with Qflow live audit

Data-driven insights to eliminate carbon and cost with Qflow insights
Carbon has sky-rocketed to the top of many agendas, and the industry is starting to uncover just how little detail there is on the material and waste supply chain that make up their scope 3 carbon emissions.
Qflow is here to help. With our Insights dashboard, you can identify real-time opportunities to eliminate carbon within your supply chain, and save costs too.
Find out how Bouygues UK improved efficiency by 271%
Speak with our expert sales team to book a demo
Enabling responsible, resource efficient construction; cutting waste and carbon. Qflow automates on site data capture and auditing, feeding it into your existing tools
Get your free sustainability score today
Take our 2-minute quiz and we’ll send you a free report showing your sustainability readiness and what you can do to track, measure and reduce as-build project carbon