How to Automate GRN (Goods Received Note) Capture

Faced with unprecedented data burdens, ever increasing amounts of regulation, and stiffer than ever fines for non-compliance, it would be understandable if some construction companies began questioning whether it was all worth it. Fortunately, the Qflow GRN capture automation solution helps project managers avoid being overwhelmed and to work within today’s complex systems to everyone’s benefit.


Qflow: Automating GRN Capture

GRNs are just one more thing that contributes to the complexity of running a construction project these days. With so many different supply chain, payment and compliance issues vying for the attention of project managers, the last thing they need is to have to chase down missing GRNs or spend time trying to identify discrepancies. Enter Qflow.

Qflow’s GRN capture automation solution greatly reduces the risk of important data going missing and negates the need for you to have to chase down GRNs from the different companies that make up your material supply chain. Qflow captures an image of the GRN at the gate to your site ensuring you know exactly what’s entering (or supposed to be entering) the site without having to dig through a mountain of paperwork.

The Benefits of Automating GRN Capture with Qflow

Until now, collecting and processing GRNs has been a significant chore for most construction companies. Thankfully, Qflow is here to help. The benefits of automating your GRN capture with Qflow are many and include:

  • Establishing a digital record of all materials delivered.
  • Ensuring the quality of materials throughout the supply chain.
  • Providing data-driven insights that aid in carbon-related compliance efforts.
  • Streamlining the supply chain data management process.
  • Integrating with existing apps to augment their capabilities.
  • In addition, Qflow live audit automatically troubleshoots GRNs looking for discrepancies.

Automate GRN Capture with Confidence

Free your company and your project managers from the drudgery of having to collect and process GRNs manually by automating the GRN management process with Qflow’s GRN capture automation solution. Qflow integrates easily with your existing project site apps, enabling you to transform a former headache into a walk in the park. To learn more about how Qflow can help your company, get in touch using the contact form on this website.

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Enabling responsible, resource efficient construction; cutting waste and carbon. Qflow automates on site data capture and auditing, feeding it into your existing tools

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