Our Company
We founded Qflow in May 2018 with the sole purpose of leaving the world in a better place than we found it.

Brittany Harris & Jade Cohen
Co-founders of Qflow
About Qflow
We have a vision of a construction industry that uses only the resources it needs in the most efficient way possible – delivering a built environment that meets the needs of society without compromising future generations.
With that, we are to be the simplest and quickest route to decarbonise construction through data driven insights and leadership across the UK, US and Australia.
We do this by working with construction teams to enable them to track and manage their social and environmental impact, and take a data driven approach to improving that! Our goals are to build an automated data collection/aggregation platform for construction projects, create the industry’s most comprehensive dataset of construction materials.
What we value
Radical transparency02
Unstoppable tenacity03
Enduring ethics01
Radical transparency
Radical transparency
We break this down to include honesty, transparency, and accountability. We ask this of our clients; in owning and managing their environmental impact and we ask it of our team in owning their ‘failures’; we don’t believe in attributing blame, and look to analyse and learn with each step. “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.”
Unstoppable tenacity
Unstoppable tenacity
We are taking on one of the oldest, most archaic industries there is. It will be hard, we will be pushed and we value our teams ability to fall, get back up and keep moving forward, no matter how hard. “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”
Whether a young startup or a flourishing corporation, collaboration is central to building a successful product and organization. This is an essential building block for us and we strive for daily collaboration across the industry to come up with the best solutions. “If you want to go fast, go at it alone. If you want to go far, go at it together”
We are unpicking old and complex problems and an opaque industry. We value unstoppable curiosity, always asking why? Is there a better way? What about…? “If you are not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.”
Enduring ethics
Enduring ethics
One of the most fundamental pillars of Qflow. We want the future to be bright for all, and the only way to do that is to find ways of living more ethically and sustainably. We ask this of our clients, and we certainly ask it of our team!
Speak with our expert sales team to book a demo
Enabling responsible, resource efficient construction; cutting waste and carbon. Qflow automates on site data capture and auditing, feeding it into your existing tools
Get your free sustainability score today
Take our 2-minute quiz and we’ll send you a free report showing your sustainability readiness and what you can do to track, measure and reduce as-build project carbon