Low Carbon Construction: Devising a Decarbonisation Strategy

Decarbonising the construction industry will require a multifaceted effort anchored in the principles of innovation, commitment, and collaboration amongst all players. For any such strategy to be effective it will need to encompass:

Sustainable Building Materials

Most of the materials used to build on a large scale today are carbon-intensive. If the construction industry is to decarbonise, those materials will need to be supplanted by more sustainable materials like low-carbon concrete (concrete production being a major contributor to global CO2), recycled steel, and reclaimed wood.

Energy-Efficient Construction Equipment

Old excavators and other pieces of heavy equipment account for as much as 50% of emissions generated by large construction projects. In order for low carbon construction to become a reality, outdated, inefficient machinery must be replaced.

Green Building Certifications

Construction companies would do well to attain LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) certifications for their projects as part of the shift toward decarbonisation of their industry.

Optimised Construction Processes

Traditional construction processes are notoriously inefficient, enable waste and turn a blind eye to carbon lurking in the supply chain. By embracing leading-edge technologies like Qflow Smart Capture, companies can ferret out that waste at the source and work with suppliers to meet project-specific carbon requirements.

Educated Stakeholders

The developers and construction companies that design and build our cities and towns have a significant role to play in decarbonising the planet. Their efforts to adopt low-carbon construction, however, will only succeed if they are also able to educate stakeholders about both the risk of inaction and the benefits of action.


Qflow Can Help

In the past 50 years, the rate of technological change has been breathtaking. By taking advantage of leading-edge solutions like Qflow, construction companies can speed the transition to more sustainable construction practices and lead the way in decarbonising the world.

Contact Qflow

Low-carbon construction will be necessary to comply with ever-tightening regulations designed to achieve Net Zero 2050. To learn more about how Qflow can help you devise a decarbonisation strategy, write to us using the contact form on this website.

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Enabling responsible, resource efficient construction; cutting waste and carbon. Qflow automates on site data capture and auditing, feeding it into your existing tools

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