Oxfordshire highways case study

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Added value


improved data capture


Notifications sent


A £350 million highways maintenance project in South East England deployed Qflow as a waste tracking system to track waste across 5300 miles of roadworks.

Construction is one of the biggest contributors to waste in the UK today with approximately 32% of all waste to landfill originating from construction. Not only is this waste having an impact on our climate, but it also impact people’s health and safety.
Skanska UK, one of the industry’s leading pioneers in sustainability, is constantly on the look out for better ways to manage their works. The company was looking for a better and more accurate way to establish a dataset of their waste movements on a highway maintenance project in Oxfordshire. This £350 million framework includes maintenance of 2800 miles of carriageway, 2500 miles of footway, and 2900 structures. Due to its size and nature, the project produces a substantial amount of waste.

The challenge

Under the Waste Duty of Care regulations, which are regulated by the Environment Agency, waste movements from origin to disposal must be carried out by licensed organisations and accurately documented using Waste Transfer Notes or Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes. The scale of the framework made handling this much documentation a challenge.

“Qflow has provided us with more accurate waste data, enabling our team to deliver better forecasts of waste transfers, while reducing likelihood of administrative errors.”

– Oliver Beech, Sustainability Manager, Skanska UK


The solution

Qflow integrated seamlessly with the existing workflow, making it easy for the operatives to start capturing waste data at the push of a button. All that was required of them was that they open up the Qflow smartphone app, snap a picture of a Waste Transfer Note or Hazardous Waste Consignment Note, and hit save. We handled the rest.
To read more about the project and the technology that helped Skanska overcome these challenges and generate conservable added financial value, please feel free to download the full case study below!

Download full case study here

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Enabling responsible, resource efficient construction; cutting waste and carbon. Qflow automates on site data capture and auditing, feeding it into your existing tools

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