Why I joined Qflow – Serena Ward

I first met the team in 2020 when working on a demolition and ground remediation project in North London. Qflow supplied an impressive solution to managing the hundreds of soil movements our project was carrying out each week. The data that Qflow captured ensured reporting to the client was slick and well organsied and allowed us to pull together the final handover documents with relative ease.

I then continued working with the Qflow team on my next project, a large civil engineering project in central London where Qflow tracked all the waste movements on site. This resulted in a considerable time saving on site and allowed the environmental team to work more efficiently. Using the data from app also allowed us to deliver monthly reports in a more organized manner. We then begun to investigate how Qflow could enable us to track the embodied carbon on the project, something our senior leadership team were enthusiastic to do.

Having recommended Qflow as a product to other Tier one contractors I joked to the team that they needed to start paying me commission. Luckily, our account manager at the time mentioned that Qflow were hiring. At that point in time, I was starting to consider my next career move and my future options. I was enjoying working in the construction sector and spending time on site, but I also knew there were other roles I wanted to explore.

I applied for the role at Qflow for a number of key reasons; the opportunity to work in a growing start up, the culture, and the chance to work for a business truly focused on sustainability.

Since graduating from university, I have only ever worked for big corporations, which whilst offering me lengthy career progression and good company benefits, there was a tendency for bureaucracy. Having spoken to friends also working at small startup companies I knew there would be an opportunity to mold my own processes and ways of working at Qflow. I was confident that I would be supported in my role at Qflow and would be able to grow with the company.

The culture a workplace fosters is incredibly important to me, and I spent a year chairing the women’s network at my previous company. Having collaborated with Jade and Britt for a number of years

 ”I knew the culture I would be walking into at Qflow would be supportive, uplifting, and inspiring”.

I joined Qflow because the construction industry needs their product. The product does what it promises and enables low carbon construction. The opportunity that Qflow has to capture embodied carbon data is enormous and this data will enable both contractors and developers to progress towards net zero carbon construction. Having studied environmental sciences at university and delivered low carbon initiatives on my previous projects, I wanted to be part of that journey.

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Enabling responsible, resource efficient construction; cutting waste and carbon. Qflow automates on site data capture and auditing, feeding it into your existing tools

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