Why working with environmental people is a joy

To ensure we build the right product that accelerates sustainability, we put Qflow out in the wild to observe what would happen. Turns out environmental folks are just cracking to work with…

At Qflow, we are building software to revolutionise environmental risk management in construction to help create a more sustainable construction industry. The dev team are furiously coding in the latest tech stack, the creativity is flowing from the design team and the R&D team are harnessing a mind-blowing range of technology.

Like all good tech firms, we are also doing everything we can to get customer feedback to see how Qflow performs in the wild. Through this feedback process, I’ve noticed something in particular: environmental people are lovely to work with.

  1. They love the subject matter

Environmental people spend years studying, learning and debating their subject matter. We all have our particular passions: areas that appeal to us and there is one thing that unites us all: the level of enthusiasm is infectious. From those fresh out of university, to those who have changed careers to pursue environmentalism, it is highly motivating to work with people who are not only trying to better things for their company but also for wider society.

2. They get the big picture

The very nature of environmental subject matter enables professionals to be able to get excited about the micro details in the context of macro trends. In essence, making very small incremental changes towards building a sustainable world. This lends itself to our business: building software products is basically a series of small, consistent and well-conceived steps, culminating in a platform that accelerates micro changes. Our customers get this, and are excited to come on the journey with us.

3. They know tech will help make the step change

Environmental professionals are enthusiastic to engage with tech. They do not see it as something that will steal their jobs, but as a series of tools that will enable them to achieve more at a quicker pace. Less administration, less bureaucracy, and more focusing on the outputs and the things that actually make a difference.

Want to contribute?

Working in environmental management in construction? Reach out to us and join our pursuit to mold the next generation of environmental technologies and help us build a more sustainable construction industry. Interested in a free demo of the Qflow platform? Head over to our Demo page and book a time!

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Enabling responsible, resource efficient construction; cutting waste and carbon. Qflow automates on site data capture and auditing, feeding it into your existing tools

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